January 4th, 2000

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The following is a research paper composed by Mike Gastonguay about emulators and roms :

Here is a question for you. Where are your old Nintendo and Sega Genesis systems? If you are like most avid gamers, your answer is "In my attic" or "In the back of the closet". If you are like me, you'll think to yourself "Gee, I wish I could play my old Mario games a couple more times". You'll be happy to know that you can play your old favorites without the hassle of climbing into the dusty attic. Emulators and Roms make it possible.
Emulators and Roms allow you to play video games on your computer. The games they play were originally designed for home gaming systems such as Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Emulators are the programs that are used to load and play the games. Each emulator plays it's own specific type of file. There are many different types of emulators that play games for almost every imaginable system including home gaming system including the outdated Atari and Apple IIe systems. There are usually multiple emulators emulators for each gaming system. The files of the individual games are called roms. Roms are loaded on to emualtors in order to start the game. The size of rom files differ. Newer games with complex graphics and quality sound might result in a larger rom files while older games with primitive sounds and graphics are usually smaller in size. Rom files are usually found in ".bin" form. For example : The rom file for NFL football might be "nfl_ftball.bin"
Some emulators are more popular than others. These emulators play the games from popular home gaming systems. Nintendo emulators play games such as the original Super Mario Brothers series and the original Legend of Zelda series. The most popular emulator from the original Nintendo Entertainment System is "Nesticle". Other Nintendo examples of Nintendo emualtors are "BasicNES", "BioNES", "Famicom Fan Plus", "Famtasia", and "WinNES". Nintendo's sequel, "Super Nintendo", is also availble. Games such as Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World can be played on Super Nintendo's emualtors. Super Nintendo's most popular emulators are "ZSNES", "SNES9x", "SNEmul", "NLKE", and "SNEeSe". Gamers who like Sonic the Hedgehog and the original NHL Hockey will enjoy the following emualtors for the Sega Genesis... "Genecyst", "Kgen98", "vGen", "Dgen" and "Megasis". Emulators are also available for newer systems such as Nintendo 64 and Sony's Playstation. For those of you who enjoy Super Mario 64 and GoldenEye, you'll enjoy "UltraHLE", "Nemu64", "Project Unreality", "True Reality", and "Sunset 64". These are the most popular Nintendo 64 emulators available. Playstation gamers can enjoy a round of Crash Bandicoot on one of the following emulators... "Bleen", "PSX Bios" and "PsyKe".
You can find many web sites that allow you to download different emulators and roms files. Some of the pages that I found that provide a large amount of emulators and roms are the Wonderful World of Emulation, Emunation, and Uncle SNES-ters roms and Emus. There is a listing of the top 50 Emulation and rom pages at the following address... http://www.swiss-online.net/top/emu. For a web page with links to some popular emulation and rom download sites, visit the following page... http://www.geocities.com/mentoskid/emulation.html. There is also an on-line version of this research paper at that address.
There are many noticable benefits to using emulators and roms instead of traditional home gaming systems. There is usually no cost for emulators and roms. New home system game can cost anywhere from $20.00 to $70.00. Even used game will still cost anywhere from $3.00 to $25.00. When playing older games, emualtors and roms are considered more reliable. Older systems and games are extremely sensative to moisture and dust. These game often lock up or scramble graphics due to this sensetivity factor. Emulators also allow users to save pictures and sounds from the games they are playing. Through this, you could send your friends an e-mail with some pictures of you throwing the Super Bowl winning touchdown or disembowling an opponent fighter in the Mortal Kombat tournament. (How Attractive!) Despite these advantages, I do not recommend using emulators and roms of newer systems such as Nintendo 64 or Sony Playstation. The roms files of newer game are larger than other roms files and will take up considerable space on your system. Game play of these roms is often less quality than the regular home gaming systems. Newer gaming emulators do not allow save features or use of accesssories such as rumble packs or additional buttons. Other than these exceptions, I recommend the use of emualtors and roms.

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